all postcodes in L25 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L25 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L25 2NH 25 0 53.393237 -2.860062
L25 2NJ 10 0 53.393304 -2.859537
L25 2NL 25 0 53.39153 -2.852449
L25 2NN 31 0 53.391853 -2.854997
L25 2NP 35 0 53.390844 -2.852405
L25 2NQ 10 0 53.392986 -2.858659
L25 2NS 18 0 53.395144 -2.858612
L25 2NT 26 0 53.394762 -2.859176
L25 2NU 49 0 53.39367 -2.858266
L25 2NW 40 0 53.391236 -2.853316
L25 2NX 29 0 53.393846 -2.860421
L25 2NY 38 0 53.395179 -2.859695
L25 2PA 12 1 53.385435 -2.85753
L25 2PE 12 5 53.388318 -2.856625
L25 2PH 12 0 53.387155 -2.85579
L25 2PJ 12 0 53.388695 -2.85537
L25 2PL 4 4 53.390086 -2.852841
L25 2PN 6 0 53.389696 -2.853676
L25 2PQ 8 0 53.387601 -2.85628
L25 2PT 12 0 53.389486 -2.851581